الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2016

Puppy saved! Thanks to the Huntington Beach Police Department 'Yesterday around 9 am, officers responded to a residence where a neighbor called and heard an animal in distress. Officers arrived and found no one home at the location in question. They went into the backyard where they could hear a dog whining and found a puppy had fallen into the pool and was holding onto the wall unable to get out. Officers were able to pull the puppy out of the pool and contact the homeowners to advise them of what had occurred. Kids and puppies are not safe when the pool is not secure. If possible, have a fence around the pool or a pool cover that can support the weight of a dog or child if they were to fall in. Keep dogs segregated from a pool until they are comfortable with their new environment as their curiosity can get the better of them. Never leave children unsupervised around a pool. Getting dogs and children used to swimming and knowing where the steps are to get out can help avoid a tragedy.'

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